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the 3rd gayest trend in the US world... 1.Stunna Shades 2. Lean wit it rock wit it and #3. GRILLS

it was pretty much popularized by Paw WaW a Eyes meyng(translation: Paul Wall the ice man)
he decided it would be cool for kids to wear retainers...

and he decided it would be cool to have jewelry, i think i know why he has ugly girls in his videos now... <b>Metal in your teeth will make your mouth stink</b>

trust me, this is coming from a kid who wore braces, and is now using retainers.

now people like the idea of having metal on their teeth.

'Cool!! now we have Puffed up Lips and our mouths stink!! AWESOME!!!!! :)'

"let me see yaw griell... let mee see ya wet??"
Translation from fag language to real language: Let me see your grills... let me see your what?

by DOPE MESSICUN June 4, 2006

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