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(of persons) speaking with a soft or gentle voice; mild.
(of words) softly or mildly spoken; persuasive.

While she looked rough, she was soft-spoken and kind and freely shared the details of her life under the El.

Tall, lanky, and soft-spoken, he could be cast in an updated version of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

by DSEdefining June 30, 2015

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noun, plural captivities.
the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined.

Related forms Expand
precaptivity, noun
semicaptivity, noun

Synonyms Expand
1. bondage, servitude, slavery, thralldom, subjection; imprisonment, confinement, incarceration.

Antonyms Expand
1. freedom.

In June 2009, we escaped from captivity, bringing a sudden resolution of a captivity that seemed destined to drag on for years.

Lawand was one of just nine lucky enough to escape after two months of captivity.

Militants have revealed a total of six videos of Bergdahl in captivity, with various demands in exchange for his release.

by DSEdefining June 30, 2015