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Ronda Rousey'd

The act in when you get kicked in the lower jaw, resulting in you getting KO'd by your opponent. A side effect may include a look of disarray in the face.

Dude 1: Hey, man... watch your kicks!
Dude 2: Sorry, Bro.
Dude 1: Yeah, man. I'm not trying to get Ronda Rousey'd

kicked knocked the fuck out KO'd

by Dallen-0 Awesome December 10, 2015

20👍 3👎

Polo Assassin

The fake version of the famous clothing brand, Polo Association... most commonly found on the backs of kids who talk a lotta shit.

That wanna be thug James talk too much trash. But his jacket said Polo Assassin

by Dallen-0 Awesome March 9, 2015

the force

The act in which you try to use mind control to reach the remote that is two feet in front of you. Used when you are in a comfortable position and your show goes off, and crap comes on.

I was watching my favorite show when the Kardashians came on. I was comfortable, so I tried the force to get the remote.

by Dallen-0 Awesome March 9, 2015

50👍 3👎