Source Code

Little Yahiko

Frustration; A little version of Yahiko. A word able to send Steve into an angry rage.

"Little fucking Yahiko!" or "Fucking Little Yahiko, if he wins it'd be ridiculous, I don't even know."

by Dan Devine May 23, 2003

2👍 2👎


It's the state of... You know, it's induced by...Thinking something is...is...Awesome.

That's a stuponcious shirt you got there.

by Dan Devine December 10, 2003

1👍 1👎

mind abortion

When you become so bored that you lose your senses and feel like your mind has been ejected from your skull with a vaccuum hose.

Playing endurance mode on Gran Turismo can induce many a mind abortion.

by Dan Devine March 4, 2005

14👍 4👎


When someone is so obsessed with butts to the point where it becomes a sexual deviation.

Man, I saw that guy on everyone's ass last night. He's such a buttsexual.

by Dan Devine May 7, 2005

45👍 10👎

shut your fuck

Angry equivalent to Shut Up and Shut your wordPieholeword. Used mainly in Yahoo! Chat.

Just shut your fuck already! Jesus!

by Dan Devine September 17, 2003

18👍 5👎

ass peanuts

Bite-sized turds. Great as party snacks for the unsuspecting.

I left a bunch of ass peanuts on the floor that I got from my grandma.

by Dan Devine October 18, 2004

31👍 8👎