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When two males have reached an impasse regarding one another's sexuality, and decide to solve the issue with a game of CHUBBIN' it out.

Chubbin' refers to the jousting of penis' at "half-mast," the man who's penis is the most erect at the instant of contact is the gay. (Because he was more aroused in the presence of another man)

"dude, you are gay"

"no you are!"

"lets just see, let's chub it out!"

(said by both) "AY-YA!"

"you were the most hard, you are gayer than me"

"Cheers brah"

"no cheers for you, I don't cheers fags"

"I admit defeat. This round of chubbin' was a success."

by Dan Dunnskies January 3, 2009

3👍 3👎