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photoshop diet

Banishment of unsightly fat by Image manipulation.

Half of the men and women on matchmaker.com are on the photoshop diet.

by Dan Snow March 11, 2010

jew out

To renege on an agreement. While this phrase is derived from the stereotype of the shrewd Jewish businessperson, it is used more broadly to describe the behavior of anyone who engages in artifice. This phrase is considered inappropriate for polite company because of its divisive origin.

Quoting from Quentin Tarantino's film Kill Bill vol. 2: "I don't dodge guilt, and I don't Jew out of paying my comeuppance."

by Dan Snow June 11, 2005

283👍 145👎


A suffix used to denote a political scandal. Its use originated with the Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration.

Filegate and Chinagate are examples of Clinton era scandals.

by Dan Snow September 12, 2004

287👍 114👎