Source Code


E-plop is when a work email drops into your inbox

E-plop when a work email drops into your inbox

Yeah Jeremy just had an E-plop drop into my inbox from head office, don't they know I'm on my jollydays ffs. Christ i must of forgotten to put my out of office reply on. Oh well I will have to answer now I suppose
I will reply back ASAP and CC you and Sebastian in.

Chat later Jeremy, Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao

by Dan the Man From Manchester February 16, 2020

popity paunch

Big belly fat bastard with a huge gut like an upside down wok under your shirt

Lady 1 : wow dave has really let himself go these days his belly is mega huge he looks like he's 9 months pregnant

Lady 2: correct I knew him when he had a six pack now he has a right popity paunch on him
Lady 1: Most of his time is spent pulling his pants over that fat gut of his
Lady 2 : that popity paunch is a proper ladykiller lol
Lady 1: Aye fatty pants should go on a diet as soon as

by Dan the Man From Manchester July 12, 2019

63👍 2👎

uncle duncle

to take a shite

hey i'm busting for a shite hurry up in the bathroom i need to go see uncle duncle asap.

by Dan the Man From Manchester February 17, 2018

small it down

When the store is trying to scan a QR code on ya phone

Lady in store : you got a QR code son
Jock : aye yes it's on my phone il just bring it up on the screen
Lady in store: I can't seem to scan it can you "small it down" please
Jock: sorry il pinch the screen and "small it down" for ya
Lady in store: yah that's better it scans now
Jock: happydays

by Dan the Man From Manchester July 3, 2019

camp a choo choo

"Camp a Choo Choo" to have a "Cappuccino" whilst travelling on the train

Monty is on the London bound train heading to a corporate meeting

shouting into to mobile phone so that the whole carriage can hear him

Monty: "Yah Penry I'm on the way to the City"

Monty: "Yah head office meeting Penry"
Monty : "Yah Penry sitting in 1st class just having a cup of " Camp a Choo Choo" while en route"
Monty: "Yah see you there Penry"

Monty: "Yah Yah Penry ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao ciao

by Dan the Man From Manchester December 17, 2019

67👍 3👎