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A gnome is the preponderance of pre-pubescent, or simply underdeveloped teenage males that preoccupy their lives with nerdy online games such as “world of warcraft” and “torn city”. Whilst conversing to their overseas online buddies, they often use a prevalent amount of expressive emoticons and online slang. The average gnome begins their internet alter-identity at a young age, and progress from pet sites such as “neopets” onto bigger and tougher games, such as “counter strike” and “world of warcraft”.
Often, some gnomes progress onto even owning their own gaming website. This however, is only the “leader gnomes”, not the “try hard gnomes”.

The gnomes appearance is often very mediocre, they are usually rather stocky, from all those solitary hours spent at the computer, or quite lanky from the lack of eating from spending many solitary hours at the computer. Their hair is often short and buzzed into a crew cut and their clothing is still chosen by their overbearing mothers.

Many gnomes chose to be employed by their local supermarket as their first job, this often develops into a full-fledged obsession as many gnomes become obsessed and desire a job as CEO when older.

Kael possesses many characteristics of a gnome.

by Dani =) June 12, 2007

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