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where you HAVE TO pick up poo

She has never done anything compoosary

by Daniel Craig August 24, 2018


A german sweetener

I put spoojizicum in my tea instead of sugar

by Daniel Craig May 29, 2018

5👍 1👎


A word for describing an ugly ,stinky ,disgusting person who is disliked

You are a really manivelrus ,horrible girl

by Daniel Craig August 2, 2018


1.A phrase used to attract the attentions of the target audience and then to refer to them casually.
2. A superhero never seen and seldom heard of.

1. Man, Dude, i took a wicked shit just now.
2."Man, dude... who the hell is mandude?"

by Daniel Craig October 12, 2006

10👍 13👎