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A really weird person who probably listens to katy perry and dances in the shower while eating a piece of cake.

Damn that bitch is weird her name must be mercy

by Danny DeVito's Eyelash November 5, 2022

48👍 7👎


(Verb) to ride a baby gorilla while doing tik tok dances, eating mac & cheese, and fighting space aliens.

Person: Bro I cant wait to Toilet today!

by Danny DeVito's Eyelash November 7, 2022

79👍 13👎


People say Christmas is all about Presents, Santa Clause or this one guy named Jesus? Well you see those are all fake. We all know that Christmas is all about one thing and that is......

A swiss colony beef log.

Stockings are hung on the chimney
And the presents are under the tree
And Mamma's in the kitchen
Making some, 'erbal tea
The windows are covered with frost
And the candles are all alight
But as I wander, through this quiet house
Something just doesn't seem right
You see, every year, the neighbours bring us
A Swiss Colony Beef Log
But the neighbours aren't around, around, around
There's no Beef Log to be found this year
No Beef Log
Christmas isn't Christmas
Without a Swiss Colony Beef Log
Without those cheeses and meats
I don't think I can get around
My mother tries to comfort me
She says "Here Son, have some egg nog"
I fucking hate egg nog, seriously
What do I see?
Underneath the tree?
Grandma got a Swiss Colony Beef Log just for me
Ah... Gravy!
Swiss Colony Beef Log, baby!
That's what Christmas is all about!
The roly-poly Colony Beef Log, baby!
Makes a little boy scream and shout!
Deck the halls with balls of Swiss Colony
La la la la la, la la, la la!

by Danny DeVito's Eyelash December 4, 2022

22👍 3👎


Mutiple definitions,

1. An elephant with boiling hot explosive diarrhea with mental issues.

2. The spirit of your dead gerbil that came back to life to haunt you.

3. The cheese in between your toes.

1. "I saw a book at the airport yesterday!"

2. "My gerbil came to life to haunt me so I called Justin Bieber to help me bust that damn book!"

3. "I had a lot of books in my toes so I scraped it into my moms mouth while she was sleeping."

by Danny DeVito's Eyelash November 8, 2022

34👍 6👎