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Penolphobia: The fear of losing your penis. Therefore you have to constantly having to check that it is still there. Also with the outcome of bruising and injuring the shaft or head of the penis. There have been rare cases of ripping and tearing to point of bleeding. Little boys from the ages of 3 to 9 are prone to this behavior. This phobia may be the cause of parents telling their son's, "if you keep touching yourself, your tweeter will fall off."

Psychologist: "So it's Mr. Bruce Johnson. Tell me a little about yourself."

Mr. Johnson: "I have Penolphobia"

Psychologist: "And what is that exactly?"

Mr. Johnson: "Well every since I was young, I've had this feeling that my penis was going to fall off."

Psychologist: "Well let me insure you that this will never physically happen. Remember every action has a reaction."

Mr. Johnson: "What the f#*k does that to do with anything."

by Dark Spectrum January 12, 2017

stickle bush

Stickle Bush is the physical nature of a female never washing the sperm residue from her vagina causing it to harden and crust. Reasoning of this behavior is the lust of a love one to the of losing him. Issues with allowing this to happen may result in sealing the vagina up completely and problems with their monthly gift.

Boyfriend:"Dude, I wasn't able to get a piece of tail again last night."

Friend: " What, is she not putting out?"

Boyfriend: " No the crazy b!+€h has a stickle bush."

Friend: " That's $h!+Â¥ man."

by Dark Spectrum January 12, 2017

long distance hug

Where you insert your own thumb into your rectum, then squeeze your ass cheeks together.

Why am I so sore today, oh ya that long distance hug.

by Dark Spectrum January 12, 2017

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