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Neighboring, by definition is to annoy, harass and/or sabotage unliked neighbors in your neighborhood.

Usually best to strike anonymously to avoid law enforcement. This can include: Switching lawn furniture between yards to initiate war, ripping down clothes from clothes lines (preferably underwear) and throwing it into other yards, tipping lawn furniture into pools (where applicable), stealing decorations, smashing lights, deflating car tires, keying cars, breaking fences, relocating outdoor pet into other yard, stealing lawnmowers, jamming air conditioners, stomping on roofs at 3am, ringing doorbells, egging & TPing.

Works best when sabotaging two neighbors instead of the one you dislike and yourself.

"Yesterday while Neighboring, I broke into their garage and took a shit on the hood of their car."

by Darkour Master March 6, 2010

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