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A fossil fuel obtained from a bog. Sometimes called peat. Slow burning, but gives decent heat.

Throw another sod of turf on the fire.

by Darth Ridley November 7, 2006

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Somebody who lives in the Irish countryside. This word is used exclusively by jackeens, and so in fact means anyone from outside Dublin.

Fuck off ya culchie!

Up yours jackeen!

by Darth Ridley November 7, 2006

123πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

blue moon

Originally, in a season in which four full moons occurred, the blue moon was the third of these.

In 1946, an error in the magazine *Sky and Telescope* led to the term referring to the second blue moon in a month.

Today, the phrase 'blue moon' is used to refer to an event that happens quite rarely. Interestingly, by either of the definitions given above, it would ean something that occurs on average every 2.5 years.

There'll be a blue moon in a few weeks.

I watch soap operas once in a blue moon.

by Darth Ridley February 27, 2007

113πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

edit war

On Wikipedia, an edit war is where someone changes an entry, and then someone else changes it back. These two then keep changing the entry back and forth rather than discussing the matter on the talk page.

Recently, and edit war on Wikipedia's 'British Isles' entry over whether it was right to include Ireland in the British isles led to textbook pbulisher Fallons to remove all references to the 'British isles' from the Irish editions of their atlases.

by Darth Ridley December 18, 2006

34πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A skirt which is longer than a belt but shorter than a miniskirt; in other words, 5-8cm long.

The microskirt is the semi-official dress code for 14-year-old girls at discos.

by Darth Ridley September 17, 2006

87πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Alternative to fuck and feck, generally for use in the presence of clergy.

Shut your flipping mouth!

Oh flip, I said feck!

by Darth Ridley March 8, 2007

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A lot of people seem to have a negative idea about college for some reason...Either they are pretentious fucks, or all the students they know do arts.

College, or university, is a large institute of further learning which one attends after secondary school. Often, students leave home and live on their own with other students, learning how to pay their own bills and keep up a home on their own without calling mum and dad every time some little thing goes wrong.

While at college, it is traditional to consume large amounts of alcohol, marijuana, and sex. Students must also attend lectures and, for the sart people (ie those doing science and engineering) there are labs as well.

College is not like school. In school, the emphasis is completely on memorization, while in college, it is very much on grokking. Also, the lecturers are actual professionals (such as scientists, engineers, lawyers, artists, etc) rather than mere teachers.

After three or four years, the student graduates with a degree. An arts degree is pretty useless, but most others are handy for getting a good job so that the former student may pay back whatever debt they may have accrued.

see also student

I'm in college, studying science. I'm going for degrees in microbiology and biochemistry so that I can find the cure for AIDS and make the world a better place.

by Darth Ridley November 4, 2006

36πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž