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doing tussin

Drinking an entire bottle of cough syrup in order to get high. This is because the active ingredient in cough syrup is codeine, a morphine derivative.

Named after Robitussin, a brand of cough syrup.

WARNING: Causes seriously bad trips much more often than good.

Jack: Hey, those guys are doing tussin, let's join in.
Jill: No way man, I ad a fucking nasty experience last time I did that. I'd seriously rather eat shit.

by Darth Ridley November 1, 2006

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A vegetarian who eats eggs. Even those who become vegetarians for moral reasons can eat eggs, because those sold as food are not fertilised and can thus never develop into birds.

Alice: Can I get some egg salad over here?
Bob: Egg salad? I thought you were a vegetarian.
Alice: I'm an ovo-vegetarian, actually.

by Darth Ridley April 27, 2007

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

engineer rush

In the Command and Conquer games, the engineer unit has the ability to capture enemy buildings and place hem under your control.

An engineer rush is a battle tactic where you send a fuckload of engineers into an enemy base and try to capture useful or expensive buildings.

I got his construction yard and weapon factory with an engineer rush. The rest was easy.

by Darth Ridley February 17, 2007

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

stealth kosher

A restaruant which serves all kosher food, but does not advertise thid fact.

Yosef wanted to stay in Yahweh's good graces, so he took his client to a stealth kosher restaurent for lunch.

by Darth Ridley January 13, 2007

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

much sex

A large amount of sex.

I wish I had much sex.

by Darth Ridley September 21, 2006

25πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

mess entropy

Mess entropy refers to the tendency of a room to naturally become less tidy as time progresses. May be expressed mathematically as:


where E is the mess entropy, M is the actual amount of mess, and t is a given time interval.

Regardless of a room's size, mess entropy will expand to fill it.

by Darth Ridley February 21, 2007


A TV show or movie which is done in anime style, but is not Japanese. Some consider Korean shows done in anime style to be proper anime, others consider it pseudo-anime.

Teen Titans is a pseudo-anime cartoon

by Darth Ridley June 3, 2007

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž