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dude that's just wrong

My friend, what you have just said is very strange and disturbing, in a bad way. I think you may require psychiatric help.

Bob: Everyone describe their ultimate sexual fantasy!
Fred: I want to be fucked by two dickgirls.
Sean: I wanna shag a dog.
Bob: Threesome with Victoria Beckham and Cher
Sean: Dude that's just wrong.

by Darth Ridley November 1, 2006

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

mexican standoff

A situation in which several people all have guns (or, occasionally, other projectile weapons) pointed at each other's heads.

The origins of the 'Mexican' part is unknown

Do we really need the Mexican standoff scene?

by Darth Ridley September 21, 2006

58πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


Those countries whose names end in 'stan,' including Afghanistan, Kazhakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and probably some others I've forgotten about.

Now let's see what the weather is like in the stans.

by Darth Ridley January 22, 2007

27πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


A piece of turf suitable for burning.

Throw another sod on the fire.

by Darth Ridley November 7, 2006

12πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


1: The act of terminating an action or process.

2: The act of killing an unborn baby. Those who oppose abortion call themselves pro-life, those who support it call themselves pro-choice. Pro-choicrs seem to think that abortion is a perfectly acceptable and indeed preferable substitute for adoption or contraception.

Contrary to pro-choice beliefs, a baby in a womb is NOT an extension of the mother's body. As soon as the nuclie of the ovum and sperm fuse, they create a new diploid nucleus within a discrete cell which happens to live of the mother's body. Logically and scientifically, life begins at conception.

One of the most frequent claims by pro-choicers is that, by pro-life logic, masturbation is genocide because it kills thousands of sperm, and they are human cells. This is true, but they are haploid and have the same genome as the father, therefore they are cells of HIM, not HIM+HER=NEW. Therefore, masturbation which kills sperm is not genocide, but self-harm; no different to cutting oneself, except that it feels good.

Unfortunately, a number of born-agains and Bush supporters have given the great numbers of rational pro-lifers a bad name.

I'm pregnant, yay! Oh wait, I suddenly don't want this baby! I know! I'll have an abortion.

by Darth Ridley May 12, 2005

65πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

super overtime

Overtime above and beyond what you are assigned or asked to do. Typically occurs when nobody comes to relieve you atthe end of you shift.

Girl: You're late.
Dude: Yeah, sorry, I had to do an hour of super overtime.

by Darth Ridley October 4, 2006

dick lit

Basically, the male equivalent of chick lit. Books aimed at young men, typically with lots of action, adventure, and explosions.

The works of Tom Clancy, Michael Crichton, and Robert Ludlum would probably be considered dick lit, though plenty of older men like these guys a lot too.

by Darth Ridley January 2, 2007

21πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž