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Someone who profits from lies, deception and all round hoodwinking

Oi luke, what's your handicap mate. 17 why? Cos you're a 'kin bandit. I know ain't it grand!

by Dave Matthews (Selleck, Squeak) July 10, 2017


A colloquial term and progression from the more common 'nightmare'.


I lost £500 quid in Vegas last night and had an absolute Smaretin!

by Dave Matthews (Selleck, Squeak) September 16, 2004

3👍 1👎


A common sexy underwear, mainly worn by women or Stuey. Stuey is a top-class defender playing for the mighty Jocks. He can also be seen defacing signs on the Green Street roundabout with the Leitch (beast of Jersey).

Alright bird? Are you gonna wear that sexy Stuey Lingerie I bought you last week ya dirty lickle bitch.

by Dave Matthews (Selleck, Squeak) December 17, 2005

51👍 123👎