Source Code

Caller VD

When your caller ID identifies someone with whom you definitely don't want to talk, and you avoid answering them like the plague

(Phone rings)

Hey are you going to get the phone or what?

(Looks at phone) Negative. That's the number for child support services, they've been trying to get a hold of me for months. I'll let the machine get it, because I don't need a case of Caller VD!

by David's Hickey May 14, 2011

2592👍 4585👎

eye picture

When you look at something, focus, and mentally take a picture to keep in your mind forever.

Courtney - "Did you see that hot guy who just walked by? Damn, I wish I had my camera so I could use his photo for later."

Sarah - "Don't worry, I took an eye picture. I'll be referring to that tonight, believe me."

by David's Hickey November 4, 2010

6👍 10👎