Source Code

Clear goo


Pre-ejaculate; the clear viscous fluid that seeps or leaks from a man's penis when he is sexually aroused. Clear goo serves to rid the urethra of urine acid and serves as an FDA-compliant lubricant.

"Last night, Dylan's mom was giving me a handjob. It really hurt until some clear goo came out."

by David Wright Orange Park April 23, 2008

19👍 3👎

clear goo


Any viscous, sticky transparent colorless liquid, although usually in reference to an energy-curable resin, coating or polymer used in Graphic Arts; an Ultra-Violet (UV) or Electron Beam (EB)- curable coating or overprint varnish(OPV.)

"Yo, Dylan - bring over the 55-gallon drum of clear goo. We gotta overprint the stack of 4-color Jacksonville Symphony Posters."

"OK, Oscar...will do."

by David Wright Orange Park April 23, 2008

13👍 2👎

Booty Phone

A cellular telephone obtained with the specific intent of calling or texting a love interest. The need for a Booty Phone occurs when two people hook up and find they have different cellular providers. Rather than pay overage charges, it is less expensive to add a Booty Line to one's cell phone plan.

Dylan: "Allison and I decided to get a Booty Phone."

Oscar: "Whose network did you choose?"

Dylan: "Hers...ten bucks a month with unlimited network calls...although textual relations still cost extra. The phone was only 20 bucks plus tax."

by David Wright Orange Park May 4, 2008

32👍 17👎


An erotic e-mail designed to arouse one's partner.

Oscar: "Every night before we go out on a date, Cindy sends me the most erotic e-mails. This time, she was talking about how good my middle finger would taste on her pink, soft lips."

Dylan: "Dude, she sent you a goomail." That Cindy sounds like a keeper.

by David Wright Orange Park April 30, 2008

6👍 2👎

reprisal procedure


A unnecessary, usually invasive, humiliating and painful medical test ordered by a physician to get even with an unruly or disruptive patient.

"Debbie - did you notice Dr. Leibowitz ordered a full colorectal exam on the guy who came in for eight stiches across his forehead?"

"Yeah, during admission, the patient called Dr. Leibowitz a money-grubbing Jew. It sounds like a reprisal procedure to me. Excuse me. Dr. Leibowitz has asked me to mix parking lot gravel with the K-Y Jelly."

by David Wright Orange Park April 23, 2008

16👍 9👎

Booty Line

A cellular telephone line added to one's cellphone plan with the specific intent of being used with a Booty Phone.

Dylan: "My new girlfriend Allison added a Booty Line so we can talk as long as we want."

Oscar: "Hey...so, how was it?"

by David Wright Orange Park May 5, 2008

9👍 6👎