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Dress up and travel together

A way of saying you are dating someone, often used in a wlw relationship. This originated from the Taiwanese dub of “the owl house” in which luz and amity ask each other to “dress up and travel together” where in the English dub they were asking each other if they could be dating.

I like you in a romantic way do you want to dress up and travel together.

by Death is imminent lol June 26, 2022


Sorry, we do not have a definition yet for the name Elfia. We are regularly updating the name information, if we find information about the name Elfia we will add it to the page.

Elfia is a large log like creature that steals every left sock you own and then tries to be taller than you by wearing four inch platform boots.

Elfia stole my left sock.

by Death is imminent lol December 26, 2022