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Short for "short language," this word means any word that exists mainly as a colloquialism.

Slang is literally slang for slang.

by Deep Valve December 9, 2014

2👍 2👎


A small town just outside Ann Arbor. Commonly mispronounced SAY-LEAN, this town is mainly filled with rich, snooty people who take sports way too seriously. The only year anything remotely interesting happened here was the year of 2014. Long story short, a lot of people died, a couple of kids committed homicide, and the beloved football team went to States. These events are not related.

Guy 1: Man, I heard a lotta shit went down at Saline last year.

Guy 2: Yeah that stinks. But at least they have a great music program at their high school...

by Deep Valve December 4, 2014

22👍 9👎