Source Code

Ur mom mega big gae

The 5 words that, when said, causes all of existence to implode upon itself.

Joe: ur mom mega gay
Bob: no u
Joe: Ur mom mega big gae
Bob: *just gets obliterated*

by Default Mate December 12, 2018


As if nigerundayo wasn't cool enough at first. Can be used as an alternative to the N-word.

Daniel: Hey yo homie say hello to my little friend

The cooler Daniel: NIGGERUNDAYO *Usain bolts it outta there*

by Default Mate March 7, 2019

59πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

The devil


The devil is a bad thing

by Default Mate April 25, 2019

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Negative S

-S is just a spicy S

by Default Mate May 22, 2019

H i g g a

A variant of the N word for people with black hair

If you have black hair can you say the N word or do you have to say H i g g a?

by Default Mate April 22, 2019


For idiots that can't tell the difference between an Alligator and a Crocodile.

Idiot: Oh look it's a Gatordile

Smart man: You are an idiot

by Default Mate April 12, 2020

Least Liked Post

This is the least liked post on Urban dictionary.

"oh look, the least liked post. That guy's gay."

by Default Mate April 12, 2019

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž