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A great person that is amazing In every way that probably isn’t mentally stable so go give them a hug

Idynn is so amazing

by Demon Milk December 31, 2021


A dad who’s bad at making Mac and cheese

Kevin is kinda bad at cooking me messed up Mac and cheese

by Demon Milk January 4, 2021

17👍 8👎


Something you’ll probably never get because your looking it up here

Me: your never getting a boyfriend

You: that hurt my feelings :(

by Demon Milk January 4, 2021

61👍 17👎


A new language all the Bens of the world have made and only they can learn it.

Ben: Fuck Fucccck Fucck
Berchiee: Ben language

by Demon Milk July 8, 2021


Another word for idynn

Idynn is so amazing

by Demon Milk January 3, 2021

7👍 3👎


The nick name I gave my friend because Idk how to spell there name


by Demon Milk January 7, 2021

6👍 3👎


Something I spend to much time doing

I just spent 3 hour photoshopping some stuff

by Demon Milk January 7, 2021

1👍 1👎