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A grammatically incorrect, ghetto-speak method of referring to a place where one is going currently.

Tyrone said, to his fellow thug homeboys, "I beheading to the projects, yo!"

by Deranged Sanity September 6, 2014

4👍 7👎


A scumbag attempting to, but clearly being of inefficient status, to achieve scoundrel clout.

That gibberish-spouting scumdrel couldn't fool me as being a clever fast-talking scoundrel for even a second. I could clearly see and smell his urine-soaked jeans from half a block away!

by Deranged Sanity September 7, 2014


to be robbed of something in the most scumbaggish way possible. Differs greatly from having things taken from you by ladies or gentlemen who do so using ethical and honorable methods.

That rotten scumdrel ganked my glow in the dark crack rocks straight outta my crack stem in between the spark of my lighter and my prolonged exhalation to enable maximum lung capacity for my imbibing hit which fingers-crossed would produce a hella heady ear-ringer. Whatever happened to the glory days when a fellow addict would simply enter my vision and without hesitation, beat the everloving shit out of me and with pride take all my possessions including my shoes?

by Deranged Sanity September 7, 2014

13👍 6👎