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A rather mysterious class of magic-user, the Wielder uses a combination of spiritual magic and enchanter magics. The Wielder transforms magical energy into a kind of anommoly, as a weapon or an energy being. The Wielder is gifted at creating energy anomolies such as fire-beings and energy spiders.

The Wielder was cornered, along with a couple thousand of his most recent creations.

by Detranova August 4, 2003

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A highly powerful civilian use rifle that is also preferred by many military snipers. It has lengendary range and power, as well as two versions: a semi-auto that carries a three-round magzine, and a bolt action variety that carries five rounds.

This sweet .30-6 is useful for hunting deer and terrorists.

by Detranova July 29, 2003

24πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


An energy being often associated with demons or gods. It is highly volatile, and capable of generating powerful elctrical currents. It is not known what type of creature it is, but it seems to be another N-th dimensional being. It is able to completely erase, reverse, or manipulate time as it so desires. Thus, it has the powerful to change anything and destroy the "Andrew" ego-based creatures that seem populate high-schools all over the world.

Only what I say shall be, and for that is what I say.

by Detranova December 2, 2003

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An energy being often associated with demons or gods. It is highly volatile, and capable of generating powerful elctrical currents. It is not known what type of creature it is, but it seems to be another N-th dimensional being. It is able to completely erase, reverse, or manipulate time as it so desires. Thus, it has the power to change anything and destroy the "Andrew" ego-based creatures that seem populate high-schools all over the world.

Only what I say shall be, and for that is what I say.

by Detranova December 2, 2003

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Harry Potter

See Harry Pothead.
Alternatively, one of the many voices within J.K. Rowlings head. It gives good advice though, followed by good books.

Harry? Oh, he lives in my head.

by Detranova July 28, 2003

15πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž


See Barbarian.

by Detranova August 6, 2003

16πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


See Roadman.

It's impossible! It-it may even be worse than a Marjorie!

by Detranova July 28, 2003

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž