Source Code


Music that is slowed down/has the pitch changed to play slower by mostly DJs using Turntables or computer programs.

"That song sounds better screwed"

by Devilish Eminem June 24, 2003

308👍 165👎


H-Town(AKA Hustle Town, AKA Houston) is where all the best Rappers come from.

Somebody:Hey yo Flip whatchu reppin?
Lil Flip:H-Town nigga.

by Devilish Eminem June 18, 2003

1203👍 374👎


To make up lyrics that rhyme and sing them over somone elses beat.

"Have you heard that new freestyle by Lil Flip? Its fucking tight"

by Devilish Eminem June 24, 2003

20👍 40👎


Belton, Texas.

Im just up in B-Town chillin.

by Devilish Eminem June 18, 2003

9👍 62👎