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October 23

National Punt kick your shortest friend day

Short friend: hey how are you?

Tall friend: nothing but how is the gravity on the moon
Short friend: what?
Tall friend: it’s October 23 national punt kick your friend day
Short friend: WAIT NO
Tall friend: oh wait he’s already in space

by Diamond Carson October 6, 2021

One piece

ONE of the best shows ever

Friend: you wanna watch one piece?
You: yeah sure
*900 episodes later*
You: best idea ever

by Diamond Carson December 11, 2021


The very best bepic person sadly less then Carsonis_cool but he is very bepic

You:WOAH is that bub bub: yes you: woahhh can I have a screenshot?

by Diamond Carson June 21, 2021

Urban dictionary

The best dictionary and no I’m not held hostage

Someone: Yo you wanna make fun of urban dictionary?
You: nah but I’ll make fun of you

by Diamond Carson October 6, 2021

October 24

Watch Pokémon for a whole day

Friend: yo you wanna go get food?

You: no I can’t

Friend: why?
You: it’s October 24
Friend: FINEEE

by Diamond Carson October 6, 2021


If they say deez change the topic QUICK or else

Friend: you know about deez
You: you wanna get fries
Friend: um sure I guess

by Diamond Carson October 6, 2021

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