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Upper Decker

The act of taking off the back lid of a standard toilet, hovering your anus over the opening and shooting diarrhea into the tank water. You must then wipe with TP and leave the TP in the tank. Adding red food dye to the tank is called BUD, or Bloody Upper Decker. Either with or without the dye, when the next person who uses the toilet flushes, the water that refills the bowl will be the most vile, horrific, stinky fluid known to man. Woman have been known to scream and run out of the toilet as they think their insides are coming out. Key stuff here.

"I was working a night party at that rich cunt's house. As the party was ending, I asked the beeotch if I could make a sandwich. She yelled at me in front of her guests that I will "eat with the rest of the hired staff at the end of the night!" A simple no would have been fine. For a thank you gift, I pumped a gallon of milk into my lactose intolerant ass and dropped and Upper Decker that cunt's main bathroom. Later, I Bloody Upper Decked (BUD) the upstairs daughter's fine china toilet. After that I raw dogged one of the workers and bailed, yo.'

by Dick Smartly July 3, 2014

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