Source Code

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

The HyperText Markup Language, or more commonly known as HTML, was created by Tim Berners-Lee and the W3C in 1993. It is compatible with Cascading StyleSheets, or CSS. HTML's latest version is HTML5.2, pushed in 2017. It is used for building websites using a series of tags like <p></p> or <a href="if.php"></a>.

The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a popular web design language for a very long time.

by Dictionary & Thesaurus November 6, 2023


To be with the Church of England; to be against belittling of the Church of England.

Many sided with antidisestablishmentarianism against other religous Christians.

by Dictionary & Thesaurus November 4, 2023


The lion (Panthera leo) is a type of 'big cat' wildly found in Africa and India, though specimens can be found in zoos. They are the second-largest cat in the world, and are also famous for living in a group, called a 'pride'. Generally, males are larger and have a line of fur surrounding their head, which is called a mane.

The lion can be found near the elephant exhibit.

by Dictionary & Thesaurus August 7, 2023