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dot com

A business which mainly does dealings over the internet; an electronic business that suffered from the economy.

The dotcom boom has been over since 2000, dude.

by Dodger Of Zion July 12, 2003

22πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


In Appalachian English, to "jeep" is to act a fool, to steal, or to just be plain stupid.

"Don't you be jeepin in this here office."

"Hey fuckwad, don't jeep my Marbs, those things are $4 a pack."

"Yeah, he really jeeped his Honda on the Turnpike."

by Dodger Of Zion May 22, 2007

180πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž

silver shamrock

Overused internet saying, started by the Clock Crew. It's meant to be a substitute for LOL, because Dwarfinator got banned for saying LOL on the NG boards. Taken from a costume company in the Halloween movies.

Silver Shamrock, that's awesome!

by Dodger Of Zion January 13, 2004

13πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

human malware

The 'rona. COVID. Coronavirus. Coined in 2020 as a slang term to get around content filters specifically looking for COVID-19 for purposes of demonetization.

My unvaccinated sister came to Thanksgiving and now our whole family has human malware.

by Dodger Of Zion January 8, 2022

quarter life crisis

Named for 25 year olds who are (nearly) fresh out of college, and either can't get a job or can't make ends meet.

My fiance's in a quarter life crisis.

by Dodger Of Zion May 11, 2004

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Detroit Red Wings

The New York Yankees, New England Patriots, or Los Angeles Lakers of hockey; take your pick.

The Detroit Red Wings don't win the Cup, they buy it!

by Dodger Of Zion May 13, 2008

81πŸ‘ 243πŸ‘Ž

good night funnyman

Often uttered on Fark.com, Slashdot, and other comment-enabled news sites whenever a celebrity, more often than not a comedian, passes on.

"SAD: Chris Farley is Dead."
"Good night funnyman."

by Dodger Of Zion April 4, 2006

40πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž