Source Code

ring king

Ring King" for the NES started out as just an average boxing game. You begin by training for fighter in power, speed, and stamina. After that it's into the ring you go for your first round of good ol' button-mashing fisticuffs. And that's when it all starts to go downhill.

Whenever you get too close to your opponent, you start to hug up on each other real close and do a little dance. I like to think of this as their way of turning each other on before the real action begins. A little foreplay if you will. Well boys, it was a really well-fought (and well-danced) round, now what say you two head on over to your corners for
thought boxing was all about "the eye of the tiger" not the "one-eyed monster", but apparently I was wrong. In between rounds, both boxers are treated to a lil' wobble-gobble. I mean, there's really no other reason for those assistants to be down there, moving like that. Normally, the assistants will hold a bucket for the boxers to spit in or replace their mouthpieces or what have you. But no, these fellows have become the mouthpieces. I have a hard time believing that this was unintentionally sexual... it's downright blatant if you ask me. The censors must have been drinking pretty fucking heavily the day they let this one slip by. But I'm no ringside announcer by any means, so let's see what they make of the situation. - taken from i-mockery.com

this game is known for the infamous inbetween match antics

o my god what the hell are those trainers doing

by Dong Woo February 3, 2005

36πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Affirmative Action

affirmative action (U.S.), action taken to affirm an established policy; spec. positive action by employers to ensure that minority groups are not discriminated against during recruitment or employment - taken from oxford english dictionary

affirmative action is one of the few things minorties have going for them to counter the effects of institutionalized discrimination. It is not racist, beyond popular white belief. the people that think it is racist are those that think "white males" are the most discriminated against(which is obviously bullshet since they are the most higher up in society). Have the skin color "white" does more for a person than any trivial thing like affirmative action.

minorities already have a burden just because they might have different color skin. many white people(not all) just cannot stand the thought of other groups having a slight advantage(which it really isnt since so few minorities compared to others actually get to get into those institutions that it counters the belief that a black person is taking a job etc from a white person because of the fact that the workplace, college is probably already 70%+ white)

did u know that after the civil rights acts of the 60s, it only took 14 years, 14 freaking years for a white person to bring up a case of reverse discrimination. think about it Black people have had practically no rights for like 300 yrs in the country and 250 of them they were slaves, and when they actually get some "rights" it only takes white people not even 20 years to start protesting about it.

Affirmative Action may take a couple of hundred white, asian people out of jobs or schools but compared to the millions of minorities that do not even get the chance to be in the position of getting affirmative action, those poor poor white asian people losing to an under represented minority really dont deserve pity.

im asian and yea it sucks that it goes against me but hey its cuz asians are perceived as overachieving and colleges probably think they have too much asians so thats a reason why it would affect us. but colleges can never have too many white people thats for sure.

ps. white people do not worry you are still in power, the world is not out to get you, your skin color does much much more than anything like affirmative action can do.

by Dong Woo May 21, 2006

516πŸ‘ 25353πŸ‘Ž

Affirmative Action

affirmative action (U.S.), action taken to affirm an established policy; spec. positive action by employers to ensure that minority groups are not discriminated against during recruitment or employment - taken from oxford english dictionary

Affirmative Action is good. White ppl claims that it somehow makes life harder for them is totally wrong and is bull shit.

all the statistics prove that the affect it has on white ppl not gettin into jobs, colleges is not significant at all. very small.

it only gets attention because of the reason that it is rare and when it happens white ppl go crazy and say fuck affirmative action
im asian affirmative action doesnt help us out that much but its still a good thing

by Dong Woo July 27, 2005

350πŸ‘ 8472πŸ‘Ž

affirmative action

affirmative action (U.S.), action taken to affirm an established policy; spec. positive action by employers to ensure that minority groups are not discriminated against during recruitment or employment - taken from oxford english dictionary

Affirmative Action is good. White ppl claims that it somehow makes life harder for them is totally wrong and is bull shit.

all the statistics prove that the affect it has on white ppl not gettin jobs, college is not significant at all. very small.

it only gets attention because of the reason that it is rare and when it happens white ppl go up in arms n shit.

o yea im asian and yes affirmative action doesnt really do much for us either and yet i dont care.

by Dong Woo May 11, 2005

30πŸ‘ 2860πŸ‘Ž

affirmative action

affirmative action (U.S.), action taken to affirm an established policy; spec. positive action by employers to ensure that minority groups are not discriminated against during recruitment or employment - taken from oxford english dictionary

Affirmative Action is good. White ppl claims that it somehow makes life harder for them is totally wrong and is bull shit.

all the statistics prove that the affect it has on white ppl not gettin into jobs, colleges is not significant at all. very small.

it only gets attention because of the reason that it is rare and when it happens white ppl go up in arms n shit.

o yea im asian and yes affirmative action doesnt really do much for us either and yet i dont care.

by Dong Woo June 9, 2005

19πŸ‘ 1767πŸ‘Ž

Masia One

from Toronto
Female Singaporean Rapper

probably the best female rapper i ever heard www.masiaone.com

by Dong Woo November 28, 2004

31πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

hot 97

Station that has been on the downhill since 2000. it has gone so low as to make a song mocking the tsunami victims

fuck Hot 97 Power 105 sucks to but hey Fuck Hot 97

by Dong Woo January 24, 2005

266πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž