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Cousin's Cousin

A term used instead of saying brother. A person's brother is also the cousin of their cousin. Using this term will make you sound awesome and confuse the person to which you are using the term, giving you the opportunity to share it with them.

John: Yo, what are you doing tonight?
Fred: Going to Olive Garden. My parents want to take me and my cousin's cousin out to dinner.

by Donny Mattingly April 11, 2011

4👍 2👎

Kool-Aid Krew

A group of close friends that you drink Kool-Aid with. Also, a song by the popular hip-hop group, "The Children of the Street."

John: I just made a pitcher of Cherry Kool-Aid. Do you want to come over and drink it with me?
Fred: Yes, I'll join your Kool-Aid Krew for the evening.

by Donny Mattingly April 11, 2011