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Lost in Sauce

In other words, you're in deep shit.

It is one of the "Infinite" properties of Camponium.

You didn't finish your paper? You're lost in sauce!

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

16πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A form of written or study activity that is to be done afterschool but usually leads to distraction by posting slang at UrbanDictionary.com

Also, the only thing that will lead to success in your life and will prevent your dropping out of school and working as a frycook at McDonald's until you're 85.

Do tonight's homework tonight!

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

153πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž


To condemn of hatred to the lowliest depths of hell. Like most curses, it can be used in many forms.

Verb: Damn you!
Adjective: Turn that damn music down!
Sin: God damn you!

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

433πŸ‘ 209πŸ‘Ž


A strange person who has some abnormal trait that shuns any friends. Includes:

1) Sterotypes of: Dorks, Hippies, Goths, Dolts, Techies, Squeakers

2) Any Marylin Manson fan

What a freak! He's got long hair, is stupid, wears black every day, has a squeaky voice, and knows way too much about computers!

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

148πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž


Anything pertaining to movies, film, cartoons, or other visual entertainment. Can used used to broadly describe anything you have watched in your life.

SchoolYon: "Seen any good movies lately?"
DrNick: "My filmographia has a very broad spectrum"

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An annoying prank played on naive message board spammers that when a link is clicked upon, a box comes up flashing "You Are A Idiot! HAHAHAHA!" with an appropriate stupid jingle.

A more evil version of the goatse has been found where the "Idiot" boxes are opened as bouncing boxes around your screen and as you chase and close them more boxes appear.

SchoolYon: "So I clicked on the link and BAM! my computer almost crashed!"
DrNick: "You've been goatse'd!"

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

55πŸ‘ 1962πŸ‘Ž


The most flamboyant and excessive adjective that you can use to describe any word in your lexicon.

That was such a specfuckintacular ride! Let's do that again!

by Dr Nick November 22, 2002

27πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž