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One who believes brain-fuckers, usually because they are too lazy to think critically. They are easily persuaded by arguments that are: (1) emotional rhetoric that contain few (if any) facts, (2), conspiracy theories and accusations against opponents that are not supported by evidence, (3) arguments that opponents are members of "discredited" groups (i.e. globalists, liberals, racists, etc.)

"That guy is always repeating what Joe Bigot said on talk-radio."
"Yeah, he is thoroughly brain-fucked!

by Dr Wierdsmith December 14, 2019

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A propagandist. Drawn from the Russian term pronounced (loosely) as "maz-guy-ope", a brain-fucker is one who tries to fool his(her) listeners with: (1) emotional rhetoric that contain few (if any) facts, (2), conspiracy theories and accusations against opponents that are not supported by evidence, (3) arguments that opponents are members of "discredited" groups (i.e. globalists, liberals, racists, etc.)

I don't listen to talk radio. Most off those guys are brain-fuckers.

by Dr Wierdsmith December 14, 2019


Argument made by a brain-fucker. Usually consists of: (1) emotional rhetoric that contain few (if any) facts, (2), conspiracy theories and accusations against opponents that are not supported by evidence, (3) arguments that opponents are members of "discredited" groups (i.e. globalists, liberals, racists, etc.)

"I heard (so-and-so) say that Mexicans should be kept out of the US because they are all rapists and murderers!"
"That's a load of brain-fuck!"

by Dr Wierdsmith December 14, 2019