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Shorthand for please, but nowadays since texting shorthand isn't really used, it has actually become something of a separate entity. It has made it into verbal speech, such as "lol", and is pronounced "plz" or "pluz". In this context, in in and of itself can be used to mean:

"oh please" used to call out one's bullshit.
"please no" a subdued beg for mercy, usually from an online roasting.

"I had sex with this really hot girl!"

"Everyone has to learn it by tomorrow. Especially Jason"

by Dr. Futality August 15, 2017

67👍 15👎


A word used by feminists and SJW's for men who disagree with them, or they disagree with. Possibly stemmed from its use as a male version of the word "slut", though the word was mainly used in this way prisons, referring to weak young men who could be raped and wouldn't fight back.

"That guy who says he isn't a feminist is such a fuckboy"
"That guy who won't fuck me cause I'm fat and ugly, even though I'm still beautiful is such a fuckboy"
"That guy I simply don't like is a fuckboy"

by Dr. Futality June 6, 2015

21👍 25👎