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Coon Bench

A rare specimen of Apeius Fuckuglius. The Sambo that actually can support a family. These are rare and sightings number in the teens since records began in 1486.

Dave: How are you and the family, Winston?

Winston: we are all great. I'd love to chat but I must start work, I have a family back in my mud hut to support. I guess I'm a Coon Bench.

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 5, 2021

HIV Niggative

This term is actually contradictory. It confirms that the person does indeed have HIV, contracted by blood transfusion or sexual contact with a sambo/coon. This disease leads to BLAIDS, which is black AIDS. It not only kills you, but steals your money and property as it does so.

Becky: I just got tested and I'm HIV Niggative.

Stacy: OMG, you must have caught it when you was wog stretched by Ten inch Tyrone.

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 5, 2021

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Fucktard apocalypse

The disintegration of an intelligent society into a bunch of drooling, moronic fuck monkeys that imitate zombies very well, but are distinguishable by their inferiority to the zombies.

Causality of this disease is social media, celebrity worship, political correctness, Simping and just general window licking fucktardness on behalf of at least 90% of the population.

Dave: you seen Matt lately?

Nick: yeah. He's a simpanzee for some E-Thot. Idiot has fallen victim to the Fucktard apocalypse.

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 7, 2021

Kenfucky Fried Chicken

A chain of wheelchair accessible restaurants, easily located by the huge flood of drool and mong noises eminating from the restaurant. Famed for it's crispy wings and it's slogan, It's window lickin' good.

Oi. Wheel me down to Kenfucky Fried Chicken. I'm hungry.

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 8, 2021


This sexual delight is for the more adventurous/braver (on the mans part) couple.

This act can only be done while your partner has the squits.

Engage in anal sex, just before you spoodge your man porridge, shout "Seig Heil". This will surprise your partner, making her look at you. At this moment, pull out while singing Panzerleid and saluting in the customary style as you paint a scheiße moustache on her upper lip.

I gave Becky a Führering last night. She loved it!!

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 9, 2021


The result of banging a sambo coon. A destroyed and contaminated vagina, and more worryingly, possibly a niglet and inevitable single motherhood and reliance on welfare.

Teresa: I got wogstretched last night. I can't walk and my purse was stolen!
Becky: oh no. If you are pregnant it will be a life of welfare now. You are contaminated.

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 5, 2021

Post Coital Niggalation

The aftermath emotional state after a meaningful ten minute relationship culminating in a vigorous and twat stretching bunk up from a male of the Sambo persuation, possibly spawning niglets 9 months later. For example, Tyrone Thundercock, OG T-Dog or Tyreese Longschlong (or multiples there of) unleashing their "twelve inches a slave-ness" upon a usually drunk white/hispanic/asian lady down a dark alley or behind a 7/11 after a night out.

Becky: OMG, Stacy. I just got boned by Twelve inches a slave Tyreese! After he left me in a sloppy head I had a real Post Coital Niggalation....
Stacy: you never learn though, do you?!

by Dr. Phil Yagash-Anass September 3, 2021

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