Source Code


A national embarrassment

That Trump guy is screwing everything up

by Dr. Stupid the original September 2, 2019

The Senate

Sheeve Palpatine

Mace Windu: "The senate will decide your fate."

Palpatine: "I am the senate."

by Dr. Stupid the original February 20, 2018

67👍 3👎




by Dr. Stupid the original January 8, 2022


A really smart guy who destroys Autotards with facts and logic

Shockwave is dominating the Autobots, and they don't like it!

by Dr. Stupid the original April 7, 2019

262👍 9👎


90% of Urban Dictionary's definitions

I'm getting sick and tired of these sex definitions

by Dr. Stupid the original November 27, 2018

HD 189733 b

A blue gas giant exoplanet ripped straight out of Star Wars as it rains molten-glass sideways

HD 189733 b is one hell of a planet!

by Dr. Stupid the original February 8, 2021