Source Code

Car Club

1: A cover story for gay Latino and Asian men to congregate in the middle of no where and bend over in front of each other while presenting a machismo facade to any passers by.
Formerly known as: The Rest Stop Crowd.
2: A group of men who women hang around with so they can ride in overcompensationmobiles without running the risk of having to put out.

1 & 2
She hangs out at with the Car Club so she can ride around in fast cars and occasionally see a cholo give head to a ninja.

by Dry Rubber Chicken July 21, 2010

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


1: A man doing something wrong.
2: The precursor to females getting something she doesn't deserve.
3: According to modern feminism, a synonym for impending rape, which is also a synonym for consensual sex, including sex which has been initiated and asked for by a women.
4: The source of weakness in men.
5: The one thing every women wants to see banned, burned and bashed.

6: An hourly occurrence for me at work.

Gloria-"That dirty bastard had an erection with you! On yoru honeymoon? Girl let me tell you, he raped you, he used hsi erection on you."

Frank-"I know, I know I'm stupid and I should have just thrown her off the building for saying that, but I had an erection."

Sheila and Tamra-"If we could only cure the common erection, the world would be perfect."

Angelina-"My husband claims he loves me, but then he gets an erection."

by Dry Rubber Chicken July 21, 2010

23πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž

...and so the universe began.

An exclamation following a flatulence that most likely contained large amounts of gas and particulate matter under heat and pressure.

A casual phrasing to laud one's expulsion of hot, moist and unsanitary bodily gasses.

After releasing a large, loud and wet volume of air from ones bowels, they may say "....and so the universe began."

See also "FudgeHorn!"

by Dry Rubber Chicken July 21, 2010

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Snatch Burn

1: The effect on a penis from entering an unlubricated vagina. It is an extremely painful abrasion on the head of the penis resulting from a woman insisting that you penetrate her before she has confirm that her snatch isn't dehydrated.
2: The unsightly stain left on ones new white Egyptian cotton sheets after vaginal secretions have soaked in.

Todd or Tadd or something preppy like that-"First she gave me horrible snatch burn cause she was in such a hurry to get it in her, then she dripped on my sheets and left a huge snatch burn"

by Dry Rubber Chicken July 21, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Oral Sex

oral sex

1: The direct result of expensive jewelry, such as a tennis bracelet or engagement ring. May also result from the purchase of the football package or dressing up to look like a female stranger.

2: A man or a woman causing sexual pleasure, preferably to the point of orgasm using primarily their mouth.

3:When married couples only form of sexual intimacy comes in the form of shouting 'Fuck You!' from down a hallway.

Sheila-"Why are we shopping for a new gaming console for your man?"

Tara-"We're not, were shopping for a weeks worth of oral sex."

Jewelry Salesman -"What can we help you with today sir?"
Sir Timothy- "I am looking to buy about a month of oral sex."
Jewelry Salesman - "Excellent, let me get my keys so I can bring out the private selection."

She performed oral sex on me until I ejaculated in her nag hole!

We had oral sex last night for about twenty minutes before my throat got so sore I couldn't scream at him to go fuck himself anymore.

by Dry Rubber Chicken July 23, 2010

40πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Strawberry Mist

1.) A tasty flavor of frosting available commercially.
2.) Vaginal flatulence with high moisture or particulate content that occurs during the course of menstruation.

I want yellow cake with strawberry mist frosting!

No man, it happened back when I was still in high school.She squatted over me while I was sleeping and hit me with the strawberry mist. I still can't sleep at night.

by Dry Rubber Chicken August 18, 2010


1: The root of all pain and evil.
2: The worst friend a penis can ever have.
3: The sole reason men endure abuse above a certain level.
4: The antidote for rational thinking and human decency.
5: Nothing a man can't live without.
6: What women use to define themselves, also what they use to harm men.

7: An excuse for anything a woman does, or if it pleases her the reason a man victimized her (aka something other than what she told him to)

8: A source of orgasm not attached to a mans arm.

Kathryn used her vagina to seduce Timothy, who later regretted it and broke off the entanglement. Afterward Kathryn said he abused her because she had a vagina.

Any responsibility for her role in things was excused because she has a vagina.

by Dry Rubber Chicken July 21, 2010

14πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž