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When a sexual predator runs out of Roofies and instead utilizes a rake and good old blunt force trauma to do the job.

“Bill Cosby, before earning his millions that gave him access to Hollywood’s most elite pharmacists and drug dealers, had to resort to the Date-Rake method.”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021

Boner Fumes

When a male gets such an intense erection, that his dick crack opens up slightly, from which the sour, bleach smell of his pre-ejaculate can be nasally detected

“Craig (roommate), either turn off the porn or put a thumb on your dick-hole, cause this apartment is lousy with Boner Fumes”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021


An event from an alternate universe (Hillary Clinton president of USA) where on September 11th, 2001, an all female group hijacked two airplanes and crashed them into the Twin Towers deeming them phallic symbols of oppression.

“I don’t know what event was worse here on Earth C-637, Pearl Necklace Harbor or Vagine-Eleven. Women are relentless.”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021

Clit Lint

A term used to describe a phenomenon when a woman wears brand new, sloppily manufactured underwear from which after a long day of activity will have shed loose cotton bits that often adhere to the moist or topographical areas on her genitals.

“Aww! Babe you got a little makeshift mitten for you kitten... you got some clit lint:):) Adorable”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021

Fuck Mustard

A description of several-day-old semen residue found typically in a male’s unwashed boxers; sometimes found on toilet rims, walls, the ceiling; always found on farm animals

“As you can see, this involuntary celibate atheist weeabu hasn’t left his basement unit in 42 years, made evident by a 10x7 inch mound of moderately radioactive, dandruffy fuck mustard. God may be all-loving and powerful, but he for sure fucked up when he made this guy.”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021

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Fallopian Pubes

A religious accomplishment achieved when a man gives a woman such a deep and thorough dicking, that at least one or more of his pubes dislodges from his pelvis, and jets its way past the vulva, cervex, and uterus up into a woman’s Fallopian tubes.

“Johnathan ravaged me last night! I think he gave me fallopian pubes. Dinner for one at the hairy egg farm!”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021


A philosophical derivative of Nihilism used to describe a person or persons who are so apathetic, that they don’t even care about death. A dihilist often will prove this concept by killing themselves before having even thought of killing themselves.

“I used to be alive.. but then I read a book about Dihilism and now I can finally be free from the ball and chain of caring and living.”

by Dumpster Choir February 10, 2021