Source Code

Ghost Panting

The act of pretending to Pant heavily (just like after sex) when you stop riding your illegal Electric Bike (for definition of illegal Electric Bike see EAPC Ghost Rider's definitions: Ghost Riding) at the traffic lights to make people and the Police think you have been propelling your EAPC legally when in fact you have been travelling at over 15.5 mph and Ghost Riding (see previous definition).

I love to do Ghost Panting which is fake Panting at the traffic lights after Ghost Riding my Electric Bike at 25 mph to make people think I have been propelling my illegal Electric Bike by the pedals.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020

Royal Finger Wave

The act of a member of the Royal Family waving at a member of the public but not in a Royal style (hand rotating in a forward direction with fingers fixed at a horizontal angle) but with their hand and fingers pointing to the person and them moving their fingers up and down in a friendly manner just like they are waving at an acquaintance.

In 1982 the Queen Mum waved at me with a Royal Finger Wave and not the usual Royal Wave whilst I crossed a bridge over the River Thames in London with my father.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020

Ghost Fingering

The act of raising your left arm and extending your middle finger as in "the finger" or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) as an obscene hand gesture reversed (over your left shoulder) whilst riding your illegal Electric Bike faster than the legal speed limit in the UK and triggering a Speed Camera so it captures you Ghost Riding (see Ghost Rider's definitions) and giving the Police "the finger" in the captured Police evidence.

I love to do Ghost Fingering to the Police Gatso Camera when I Ghost Ride past above the legal speed limit on my illegal Electric Bike.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020

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Ghost Riding

The action of pedalling on an Electric Bike on the UK highway but not generating any motion because the Bike is illegal and not as per EAPC requirements of:

1) must have a maximum power output of 250 watts so is 350 watts or more for example
2) should not be able to propel the bike when itรขย€ย™s travelling more than 15.5mph but can

So people and Police without a LIDAR think that your pedalling is propelling the Bike and not the illegal motor.

I love Ghost Riding past the Police as they don't have a clue!

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 8, 2020

Ghost Bike

An Electric (EAPC) Bike which has been manufactured above EAPC (Current UK Legal requirements) by exceeding the following:

Its electric motor:

1) must have a maximum power output of 250 watts
2) should not be able to propel the bike when itรขย€ย™s travelling more than 15.5mph

Thus meaning that the Ghost Bike is illegal as it is over powered and not registered with the DVLA and not displaying a valid registration plate. Meaning you can Ghost Finger with ease when a Gatso speed camera takes your photo.

I love my Ghost Bike, its just a shame the Gang Stalkers abuse it like they have me.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020

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Ghost Finger Wave

The act of using your right arm and extending your middle finger as in "the finger" or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) as an obscene hand gesture but staying at a horizontal angle (much like a Sieg Heil but winding in and out your middle finger keeping your other fingers closed) whilst Ghost Riding past people and Police on your illegal Electric Bike thus giving the Police "the finger" Ghost style not like the Queen Mother who did this with all four fingers (Royal Finger Wave).

I love to give people and the Police a Ghost Finger Wave whilst I Ghost Ride.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020