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Combat Zone Wrestling is an independant wrestling promotion based around the east coast area. Owner and wrestler John Zandig (real name: John Corso) has spent the last six years developing his promotion into what it is today: a sickening, grotesque, and just plain stupid brand of wrestling that he likes to call "Ultraviolent."

Combat Zone Wrestling: Extreme Championship Wrestling on crack.

by ECW For Life May 21, 2005

195👍 73👎

Triple H

The greatest wrestler in the WWE today. Triple H is a terrific actor, a skilled wrestler, and really knows how to make you love to hate the guy.

"Man, I hate Triple H, but he's so damn cool!"

by ECW For Life May 21, 2005

525👍 249👎

Paul Heyman

Once the owner of the now defunct Extreme Championship Wrestling, Paul Heyman is now a writer and on-screen character for the WWE and is seriously misused.

Seriously, Stephanie McMahon, listen to Paul's ideas. His don't suck like yours.

by ECW For Life May 21, 2005

45👍 6👎