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far right conservatives

hey do you see that bigot? he clearly hates the trans community

by EL SEXO GRATIS October 3, 2023

25πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fleetwood Mac


Hey, you wanna do Fleetwood Mac?
Yes! I love Fleetwood Mac so much! Their Dreams and Everywhere sensations are the best!

by EL SEXO GRATIS September 17, 2023

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Someone who loses their mind over any train, usually a rail fanner or train buff. Most of the time they show no regard for their surroundings or to anyone really.

OMG, that foamer is so annoying! He's always yelling at the train station when a train passes by and throwing garbage on the tracks! GO LOOSE YOUR DICK SOMEWHERE ELSE

by EL SEXO GRATIS October 4, 2023

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Soda Stereo

Best rock band in Latin America. Makes the best songs ever and is one of the most popular rock bands in Latin America.

The song "En la Ciudad de la Furia" made me become fluent in Spanish! LONG LIVE SODA STEREO! SODA STEREO MEJOR!

by EL SEXO GRATIS October 4, 2023


short for the word potato-head

hey did you hear about the new mayor getting elected?
huh, what mayor?
Mayor Gay Lord who transferred power from former Mayor Jenny Talls
OHHH, I'm a potato

by EL SEXO GRATIS September 17, 2023

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž



bro, you're such a transphobe, a penis or vagina does not determine if one is a male or a female. sex and gender are two different things (actually true btw go cry about it)

by EL SEXO GRATIS October 24, 2023

28πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž



I love anime so much!

by EL SEXO GRATIS October 4, 2023