Source Code


Used to counter an unfavourable remark, must always be followed with analysis of previous remark.

"Oi Roy, your a cock!"
"Jinx!! I couldn't possible be a cock, if I was I wouldn't be able to do this" *action is made that a cock could not perform*

by Eliot Bradshaw January 7, 2004

13👍 24👎


Exclaiming that a previous remark was good, or favourable.

"I am rubber, you are glue"

by Eliot Bradshaw January 7, 2004

17👍 54👎


(Pharse) to end a (Jinx)

"Oi Roy you're a cock!"
"Jinx!! I cou....."
"Block!!" *Dance*

by Eliot Bradshaw January 8, 2004

6👍 14👎


To do the reverse, or come from behind something.

"James sneaked up royarl on Cindy"

by Eliot Bradshaw January 6, 2004

3👍 1👎