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Good times had by all

A phrase used to express the good times had by a group of people. Only applicable when the situation involved 4 or more people. Otherwise the more common phrase "good times" is more appropriate.

Dude 1: Hey dude, remember when the six of us got on that golf cart and we did a wheelie in front of Inn-N-Out Burger?

Dude 2: Yeah dude, that was hilarious. Good times had by all!

Dude 1: Hell yeah!

by Elliott D January 19, 2008

26👍 5👎


Web slang for the phrase "Good Times Had By All." Used in expressing the good times had by a group of 4 or more individuals

Dude 1: Lol, remember when the 6 of us got on that golf cart and we did a wheelie in front of Inn-N-Out Burger?

Dude 2: Lol, yeah, GTHBA!

Dude 1: GTHBA indeed!

by Elliott D January 19, 2008

14👍 1👎


When i plan on doing my homework, cleaning my room, doing laundry, emptying the trashcans, walking the dog, vacuuming, doing yard work, taking down the x-mas lights and finding a job.

1. Why do it today... when you can do it tomorrow?
2. Your work will still be there tomorrow... but will the TV?

by Elliott D January 22, 2008

43👍 14👎