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Meaning to separate, divide, split, etc.

Also used as slang in the military to cut one's arms off either by sharp objects or by pulling it off.

Can you please chachaluchi the spoons and forks?

He knew too much, we had to chachaluchi. He never spoke again.

by Emperor of Pootea February 24, 2021

Empire of Pootea

(This is all fiction. I did minimal research on the Kanem-Bornu Empire part so most of what I say is b.s.)

An Empire lasting from 1859 B.C.E-1380 A.D. Was a long-lasting empire that took over most of Central Africa and North Africa. Though going through several Civil-wars in its life, Pootea was mostly a prosperous empire. A notable civil war was between the brothers Fhat Dihk and Thihn Dihk which lead to the burning and shrinking of the Pootean Territory.

Fhat Dihk was hated, Thihn Dihk used this opportunity to create a coup which was very effective. When the switch of rulers happened, Thihn Dihk turned out to be a tyrant. So it started the "Age of darkness" where there would be a coup and a switch in Rulers almost every year, it caused many of the Pooteans to suffer. Leading to the change of name. Kanem would eventually fall but it would be succeeded by The Bornu Empire transforming into The Kanem-Bornu Empire. It too would fall to colonialism. What remains of Pootea are found in the archeological findings, stories, and songs told by the Pooteans of the past.

The Empire of Pootea was cool.

by Emperor of Pootea January 20, 2021


A general term for tool in Pootean.

Can you hand me that chaputi there?

I used that chaputi to fix the sink.

by Emperor of Pootea February 24, 2021


Pronounciation: Ya-ya-poo-tee
Yayapootied(past tense)/Yayapootying(present progressive)

is a word that describes an unfortunate event. Originating from the ancient Empire of Pootea(Now modern-day Chad). Yayapooti was used by many of the Pooteans. The Yaya, meaning against. Indicates that it was to say something was against Pootea or them(Pooteans).

It has was rumored that the 27th emperor of Pootea, Fhat Dihk said the words "This is some yayapootey." before getting executed by his brother, Thihn Dihk on the ashes of Nispee Palace during the Pootean Revolution of 639 B.C.E


A: Man 1: My mom died.
Man 2: That's some yayapooti.

B: Thihn Dihk: Your situation is yayapooti, Fhat Dihk. Give up now!
Fhat dihk: I hope you all burn in deep yayapooti!

C: Man 1: Dude, life has been yayapootying me recently.
Man 2: Don't worry, dude. Your yayapootying will soon be yayapootied.

by Emperor of Pootea January 20, 2021