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a portmanteau composed from Trump, puppet pup and pet alluding to the fact that Trump is Putin's pet {favorite} puppet and lapdog.

Putin's favorite Trumppet is of the short-fingered Vulgarian breed!

by Eppypotamus June 19, 2019

281πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

trumps willy

a tiny sausage, like a Vienna, but smaller and with an odd orange (Cheeto-like) color

Do you know what trumps willy tastes like? Hell, no, get out of here, you disgusting trumpervert!

by Eppypotamus August 21, 2019

168πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


a portmanteau formed from Trump + hemorrhoidectomy

def: any procedure that effectively removes a HUGE pain-in-the-ass

OMG! Our beloved country is in dire need of a Trumpectomy!

by Eppypotamus July 14, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


portmanteau formed from Trump + orgasm

def: (1) the thrill a trumptard experiences whenever he thinks everyone has believed one of his obvious lies

Trump is a pathological liar and has a trumpgasm every few minutes!

by Eppypotamus August 14, 2019


def: 1) Trump's response to the coronavirus pandemic; a buffoonish attempt to buy votes of trumptard s by giving them money (mailing them trumpchecks) to continue ignoring his bumbling incompetence, mental unfitness, pathological lying , and generally assclownish behavior.

... NOT the same as a Trump Check

Q: "Did u receive your trumpcheck, yet?" A: "Oh, yeah, dude, like I done spent it on an ounce of premium bud! Q2: "Like, gimme a bowl of that bud, dude!" A2: "STFU dude! Get your own u moochin' trumpanzee!"

by Eppypotamus March 26, 2020

68πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


portmanteau formed from trump + petard (in the sense of Shakespeare's "hoist with his own petard')

def: a linguistic "reveal" of pathological liars (like Trump), wherein a statement is "exploded" (revealed to be completely devoid of veracity) by an immediately following conflicting/contradictory statement.

example of usage: "In every public speech, the president careers from one trumpetard to the next!"

by Eppypotamus March 30, 2020


def: (1) a sexually-attractive young woman who only dates rich old geezers, usually only for the purpose (and with an expectation) of receiving expensive gifts; even though she will rarely fuck on a first date (no matter how attractive or valuable the proffered or promised gifts), so, technically, NOT a whore (yet) or prickteaser, she definitely WILL fuck on a second date IF sufficiently extravagant or expensive gifts are received in the interim.

syn: high-class whore-ELLA

Before becoming First Lady, Melania was only the last in a long line of Trumpteezers.

by Eppypotamus July 14, 2019