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A portmanteau comprised from blending parts from the words Eppi etymologist blimpo hippo hip and hippopotamus. Definition: A genius etymologist with a hippo-sized ass and preternatural knack for divining the origin and meanings of vernacular words in common usage throughout urban America ... and the world-at-large. See: Einstein

She was a genius etymologist, holding a PhD in American Slang from the prestigious Wharton School of Slangonomics ... a true Eppypotamus!

by Eppypotamus June 30, 2019


a portmanteau comprised from Trump + narcissist + pisser + pissant + pissist + pissing + fetishist

def: see Donald Trump, the prototype ; a person (usually male) whose behavior demonstrates he is obviously mentally deranged, exhibiting the primary hallmark of extreme pathological narcissism; the diagnosis is certain if this sign is seen in combination with any two of the following diagnostic criteria:

(a) pissing fetish;
(b) grabbing women by the pussy (or, in the rare instance of being a female ... any public grab-a-snatch display;
(c) daily Twitter rages;
(d) weird orange tint to skin or hair;
(e) pathological lying;
(f) befuddlement and incoherence of public speech;
(g) unnatural (and very obviously so) small hands or penis;
(h) fascination with tyrants and megalomaniacs

Donald Trump is the prototypical Trumpissist; he exhibits both diagnostic signs (1) pathological narcissism + (2) pissing fethishism.

by Eppypotamus July 8, 2019

244๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

low-IQ person

a person who is appallingly ignorant and stupid; a fucktard; an assclown; an ignoranus; a trumpanzee; a person who has been magatized or lobotomized; a Republican; a Trump supporter; a member of the so-called "Trump base" ... see Donald J. Trump.

A consensus of psychologists agree that when Trump calls someone a "low-IQ person" he is projecting his own stupidity.

by Eppypotamus June 19, 2019

295๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž