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The iPhone is a line of smartphones that are marketed by the company Apple.

Did you see that girl? She has an iPhone 11!

by Er... bandictionary? May 11, 2020

3👍 1👎

Urban Dictionary

When you are on Urban Dictionary and you’re so bored that you end up typing this in and seeing this definition.

I searched up Urban Dictionary on Urban Dictionary!

by Er... bandictionary? May 11, 2020


Emojis are small pictures ( usually smiley faces ) that are used in electronic messages instead of saying in words how they feel.

Emoji : 😀😁😂😍🥳😜😭 etc.

by Er... bandictionary? May 11, 2020

3👍 1👎


Gif stands for Graphic Interchange Format. Basically, it’s a short moving picture.

I sent a funny gif to my friend.

by Er... bandictionary? May 11, 2020

53👍 6👎