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He is very charming and cheering. He is so cheerful you wouldn't even think Jae will ever get depressed.
Cute, tall, and smart most of the time. He is someone you can depend on. His relationships are strong so once broken it will be hard to get together with him again. He may be cheerful and charming, he still has feelings and can get hurt emotionally and physically.

"I'm so sad, I'm gonna go see Jae"
"Hey! Jae been a long time"
"Missed you Jae!"

by Eye of the world March 25, 2017

1👍 1👎


Your typical smart and quiet korean girl, but when she’s around people she’s close to she can be very crazy and fun to be around. She says she’s ugly but everyone around her knows she’s cute. Very strong physically and mentally, people usually look up to her as guidance.
Always nice and caring, helping whenever they are in need. She’s very sensitive and doesn’t show it. The best friend you can ever ask for.

“I need help with homework, I should go ask Harin”
“I need someone to talk to, where’s Harin at?”

by Eye of the world April 28, 2020

18👍 6👎