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When your vagina is in a coma. Dry and sleepy. Common in menopausal women.

Damn this vajoma! Not even Prince Charming can kiss it and wake it up.

by Faster Redhead November 17, 2015

Grief shopping

When you experience the loss of a loved one and drown your sorrow by going on a shopping binge.

When her mom died, Debra went grief shopping and accumulated three pair of Louboutin platforms and two Gucci bags in an attempt to spend the grief away.

by Faster Redhead April 4, 2018

Grief shopping

When someone close to you dies and you deal with depression by going shopping. Quite possibly with money to be inherited.

When Daniel’s father died, he did the ultimate grief shopping and bought a Mercedes.

by Faster Redhead April 10, 2018


When you fight to have a better relationship with a specific friend.

Penni and Cassandra were so friendpetitive over Tashi's attention that it made the rest of the group uncomfortable.

by Faster Redhead November 13, 2016


A lazy and boring handjob with no enthusiasm

Giving someone a blandjob is one way to make sure you won’t see them naked again.

by Faster Redhead October 31, 2017


A hairpiece that covers a dog's butthole while it walks. Rhymes with toupee.

It's more pleasant taking my dog out to poop now that she wears a poupee.

by Faster Redhead February 25, 2017

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Using your bra as a storage device, i.e. Trapping items in your rack. Also a bra pocket that holds essentials in your bra.

I stuffed my emergency cash and identification in my Racktrap when I went out for a run so I could either buy a water or have my body identified if I keeled over.

by Faster Redhead June 16, 2016

14👍 1👎