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When someone who is overweight, jiggly or generally out of shape wears a bikini, causing you to keep blinking your eyes or rub them in disbelief to make the sight go away

On the beach, the woman in the blinkini wobbled to the water, unaware of the incredulous looks she got from the others.

by Faster Redhead March 24, 2017


The forced act of celebrating the Jewish holiday of Passover (seder) with your dysfunctional family (masochism).

Dreading the sedermasochism I will experience when I go to my parents house for Passover next week.

by Faster Redhead April 30, 2016


Another name for rainbow cookies, with different color layers covered in chocolate.

We celebrated the legalization of same sex marriage by eating a pound of LGBTQookies.

by Faster Redhead November 24, 2016

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A woman who measures the penis size of all her dates so she can provide gory details to her friends.

We nicknamed our friend Goldicocks because she would come back from dates and rate the men's penis size, "this one is too big," "this one is too small," "this one is just right."

by Faster Redhead June 4, 2016

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Handywork that occurs inside your panties (i.e. Manual stimulation ).

He was a bad kisser but his pantywork game was amazing.

by Faster Redhead February 9, 2017


When you fake an orgasm so you can (finally) go to sleep.

I was so tired last night that I had a Snorgasm so I could finally go to sleep.

by Faster Redhead May 26, 2016

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A Jewish mother who acts as a personal Uber to her kids, driving them playdate to dr appointment to dance class to etc.

I couldn't go out because I had to Jewber my daughter to the mall and then a friend's house.

by Faster Redhead June 18, 2017

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